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<!-- livebook:{"hub_id":"team-weiz"} --> # Day 6 ## Section ```elixir example = """ ....#..... .........# .......... ..#....... .......#.. .......... .#..^..... ........#. #......... ......#... """ ``` ```elixir defmodule Day06 do def part1(input) do {start, map} = parse_input(input) move(start, map, {0, -1}, [start]) |> Enum.uniq() |> length() end def move(_, _map, :out, breads), do: breads def move({x, y}, map, {xmove, ymove} = dir, breads) do next = {x + xmove, y + ymove} {next, dir, breads} = case Map.get(map, next) do "." -> {next, dir, [next | breads]} "#" -> {{x, y}, next_dir(dir), breads} nil -> {next, :out, breads} end move(next, map, dir, breads) end def parse_input(input) do for {row, y} <- input |> String.split("\n", trim: true) |> Enum.with_index(), {dot, x} <- row |> String.split("", trim: true) |> Enum.with_index(), reduce: {nil, %{}} do {start, map} -> case dot do "^" -> {{x, y}, Map.put(map, {x, y}, ".")} dot -> {start, Map.put(map, {x, y}, dot)} end end end def next_dir({0, -1}), do: {1, 0} def next_dir({1, 0}), do: {0, 1} def next_dir({0, 1}), do: {-1, 0} def next_dir({-1, 0}), do: {0, -1} end Day06.part1(example) ``` ```elixir defmodule Day06P2 do def part2(input) do {start, map} = parse_input(input) for {position, "."} <- map, position != start, :loop == move(start, Map.put(map, position, "#"), {0, -1}, %{}), reduce: 0 do accu -> accu + 1 end end def move(_, _map, _, :loop), do: :loop def move(_, _map, :out, _), do: :out def move({x, y}, map, {xmove, ymove} = dir, turns) do next = {x + xmove, y + ymove} {next, dir, turns} = case Map.get(map, next) do "." -> {next, dir, turns} "#" -> {{x, y}, next_dir(dir), check_turn(turns, {{x, y}, dir, next_dir(dir)})} nil -> {next, :out, turns} end move(next, map, dir, turns) end def parse_input(input) do for {row, y} <- input |> String.split("\n", trim: true) |> Enum.with_index(), {dot, x} <- row |> String.split("", trim: true) |> Enum.with_index(), reduce: {nil, %{}} do {start, map} -> case dot do "^" -> {{x, y}, Map.put(map, {x, y}, ".")} dot -> {start, Map.put(map, {x, y}, dot)} end end end def next_dir({0, -1}), do: {1, 0} def next_dir({1, 0}), do: {0, 1} def next_dir({0, 1}), do: {-1, 0} def next_dir({-1, 0}), do: {0, -1} def check_turn(turns, turn) do if Map.has_key?(turns, turn) do :loop else Map.put(turns, turn, true) end end end Day06P2.part2(example) ``` <!-- livebook:{"offset":2745,"stamp":{"token":"XCP.j2qArLasTEtVVnl_hn09nsyLrvGgZ9xNsaE-ovjnyjIFHCDvjwlpxgIN8H-Ygw","token_signature":"kn-2k8kdoC61bh_BPo_ZNyKFhgqxOM78qjmje_pXPzG_Q_G8SBP7KMYNhwRKB5tjRmM1YXe0kKAqKcFG_P2nr0I91uHrvqsgEBRFqNm_GBi0EoFE6LhkGJ8QtLehgzDGxpl44rezEJbiQIcpXzPVl3YQSvqPL4Nj4HtWpCY8KRTY9FSFPAP5SPk6evEPblyu4kLrF2ZXtGqLvFAnEHY5Ae2pFBB9b2z5NUdKHFVOym2ppG8hnJsdcVpNdhKXFwcoQSU8YG_oohCFChMC4jEXe-n90tnKLI9_baUmq35DMJrrzGkVn2zvAC_TIoUCfU_Aa44P01CnqEPCIPaqSF9Prg","version":1}} -->
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