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# Maps Elixir has two "associative data structures": Maps and Keyword Lists. You might know them as dictionary, map, hash table, key-value store, etc. Let's first look at Maps. A `Map` is a key-value store that can contain any value as a key. ```elixir map = %{:hello => "World!", 32 => :age, "height" => 190.47} # If the key is an Atom, you can access its value using the dot-notation map.hello # => "World!" # Otherwise, you need to use the bracket-notation map[32] # => :age map["height"] # => 190.47 # Or use a helper function Map.get(map, 32) # => :age # A `nil` is returned if the key does not exist map["foo"] # => nil # Delete one key from the map Map.delete(map, :hello) # => %{32 => :age, "height" => 190.47} # Or delete multiple keys at once Map.drop(map, [:hello, 32]) # => %{"height" => 190.47} ``` ### Maps with Atom keys If your map contains only Atom keys, you can replace the arrow `=>` with a semicolon `:` ```elixir map = %{hello: "World", age: 32, height: 190.47} map.age ``` <!-- livebook:{"output":true} --> ``` 32 ``` The advantage of this notation is that Elixir raises an error if you try to access a key that doesn't exist: ```elixir map = %{hello: "World", age: 32, height: 190.47} map.agee ``` <!-- livebook:{"output":true} --> ``` ** (KeyError) key :agee not found in: %{hello: "World", age: 32, height: 190.47}. Did you mean: * :age ``` ## Updating a Map There are a few ways to update a value in a map. They all have their pros and cons: ```elixir map = %{age: 32, name: "Peter"} # This notation updates a map value: Map.put(map, :age, 33) # => %{name: "Peter", age: 33} # But it also adds non-existent keys, which is bad if we make a typo: Map.put(map, :aeg, 33) # => %{name: "Peter", age: 32, aeg: 33} # This notation does not add non-existent keys, # but it stays silent if we make a typo. Map.replace(map, :aeg, 33) # => %{name: "Peter", age: 32} # This version raises an error instead: Map.replace!(map, :aeg, 33) ``` <!-- livebook:{"output":true} --> ``` ** (KeyError) key :aeg not found in: %{name: "Peter", age: 32} (stdlib 6.0) :maps.update(:aeg, 33, %{name: "Peter", age: 32}) ``` Lastly, there is a shorthand notation which comes in handy if you don't want to "pipe" (we'll discuss it later) your output. ```elixir map = %{age: 32, name: "Peter"} # The shorthand notation only updates existing keys: %{map | age: 33, name: "Pietah"} # => %{age: 33, name: "Pietah"} # And raises if the key does not exist %{map | height: 190.47} ``` <!-- livebook:{"output":true} --> ``` ** (KeyError) key :height not found in: %{name: "Peter", age: 32} (stdlib 6.0) :maps.update(:height, 190.47, %{name: "Peter", age: 32}) (stdlib 6.0) erl_eval.erl:465: anonymous fn/2 in :erl_eval.expr/6 (stdlib 6.0) lists.erl:2146: :lists.foldl/3 (stdlib 6.0) erl_eval.erl:462: :erl_eval.expr/6 (elixir 1.17.1) src/elixir.erl:364: :elixir.eval_forms/4 (elixir 1.17.1) lib/module/parallel_checker.ex:112: Module.ParallelChecker.verify/1 lib/livebook/runtime/evaluator.ex:629: anonymous fn/3 in Livebook.Runtime.Evaluator.eval/4 (elixir 1.17.1) lib/code.ex:621: Code.with_diagnostics/2 ``` ## Caveats Map keys are not ordered and if you iterate over the elements of a map, you cannot expect that the "first" key will always be the same. ```elixir map = %{"hello" => "World", "age" => 32, "height" => 190.47}, fn {key, _value} -> IO.inspect(key) end) ``` <!-- livebook:{"output":true} --> ``` "age" "height" "hello" ``` Maps cannot have duplicate keys. If you define duplicate keys, the latter key will overwrite the earlier key and a warning will be shown: ```elixir %{name: "Peter", age: 32, name: "Pietah"} ``` <!-- livebook:{"output":true} --> ``` %{name: "Pietah", age: 32} warning: key :name will be overridden in map ```
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